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Thursday 20 July 2017


  • Self-confidence is that big thing without which you cannot achieve anything. It can change your life faster than you can imagine. Self-confidence is not too difficult to attain. It can be developed very easily. The primary reason behind the lack of self-confidence is shyness. You need to be comfortable with yourself to come out of your shell, called shyness, in which you have kept yourself locked up. The shyness in turn is rooted in fear.
  • Faith is the other big thing you should develop. Faith is defined as a strong belief in something that is beyond proof. If you don't believe in yourself, then it is impossible to believe in anybody else. Commitment, Courage and Hard Work are the qualities every person should develop in them. Commitment is the important factor for success of individuals. Commitment ignites action. It implies a pledge from you to a certain purpose. It signifies "Standing for Something" through determination and persistence.
  • Communication skills also play an important role for self-confidence. Communication is all about conveying our messages to other people clearly and unambiguously. By effectively communicating our message across, we convey our thoughts and ideas effectively. If our communication is poor, the thoughts and ideas that we actually send across do not reflect what we really think.
  • Beyond all these qualities, it is love that binds us each other. "Love opens the most important gates. Love is the gate to all secrets of the universe. Every step that has been really gained in the world has been gained by love."
  • A combination of various noble qualities, i.e., faith, commitment, hard work, courage, communication skills and love all together builds self-confidence. It is not too difficult to attain. Self-confidence can be easily learnt and built.


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  2. Thanks a lot! It was good reading your blog.


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